I. Eskandari; V. Feiziasl
Introduction Winter wheat is an important, well-adapted grain crop under dryland condition of the northwest of Iran. Soil water is the most limiting resource for crop growth in dryland areas. Therefore, farmers need to use crop residues and minimum tillage to control the soil erosion and effectively ...
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Introduction Winter wheat is an important, well-adapted grain crop under dryland condition of the northwest of Iran. Soil water is the most limiting resource for crop growth in dryland areas. Therefore, farmers need to use crop residues and minimum tillage to control the soil erosion and effectively store and to use the limited precipitation received for crop production. Crop rotation and tillage system could affect crop yield due to their effects on water conservation and soil chemical and physical properties. Galantini et al., (2000) studied the effect of crop rotation on wheat productivity in the Pampean semi-arid region of Argentina and found that a wheat–vetch (Vicia sativa L.) rotation resulted in higher yield and protein content, and greater yield components than the other rotations.Payne et al. (2000) stated that where precipitation amount is marginal (400 mm), dry field pea offers a potential alternative to summer fallowing. The purpose of this study was to identify the optimal tillage system for increasing crop productivity in a vetch–wheat rotation in dryland farming of the northwest of Iran. Materials and Methods The field experiment was carried out from 2010 to 2014 at the Dryland Agricultural Research Station (latitude37° 12´N; longitude 46◦20´E; 1730 m a.s.l.), 25 km east of Maragheh, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. The long-term (10 years) average precipitation, temperature and relative humidity of the station are 336.5 mm, 9.4 ◦C and 47.5%, respectively. The soil (Fine Mixed, Mesic, Vertic Calcixerepts, USDA system; Calcisols, FAO system) at the study site had a clay loam texture in the 0–15 cm surface layer and a clay texture in the 15–80 cm depth. This study was conducted in vetch (Vicia pannonica)- wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The tillage treatments consisted of (1) conventional tillage: moldboard plowing followed by one pass of a disk harrow (CT); (2) reduced tillage:chisel packer (CH); (3) minimum tillage: Stubble mulch cultivator (MT); and (4) no-till (NT) with retained previous crop residue. At beginning prior to the tillage operation, only wheat stubble was present on the soil surface. A uniform tillage treatment was applied to all plots using a chisel packer in October. A shallow tillage was also performed using a tandem disk harrow just prior to winter vetch planting. In the second, third, fourth and fifth years, the tillage treatments for the vetch and wheat planting were similar. A winter wheat cultivar (Azar 2) was sown 6 cm depth at a rate of 350 seeds per square meter with an Alvand conventional and Baldan NT 250 no-till drill. Vetch cultivar Golsefied was drilled 8 cm depth at a seeding rate of 85 kg ha−1 using Alvand drill. The following parameters were measured: heads of wheat per square meter, 1000-kernel weight, kernels per head, head length, plant height, and wheat grain yield. Grain yield was obtained with a plot combine harvester. The dry matter content was determined and yield corrected to a standard moisture content of 130 g kg−1. Rain use efficiency (RUE) was calculated by dividing dry weight of grain yield by growing season precipitation. Soil water content and dry bulk density were measured gravimetrically (drying method, w/w) in cropping seasons. Results and Discussion Conservation tillage treatments resulted in water saving in soil layers. In both stages of soil sampling, the most soil moisture variability to initial state was observed in plots which planted as no-tillage. The moisture variability of no-tillage system was 23.4% higher than that of conventional tillage system at 10-20 cm soil layer in flowering stage of wheat. Effect of treatments on soil bulk density in different soil depths illustrated that conservation tillage can reduce soil bulk density during four years. According to the results of this study the overall infiltration in no-tillage was 1.58 times more than that of conventional tillage system. Yields under no-tillage and reduced tillage were higher (4% and 6% respectively) than conventional tillage. Grain yields under direct drilling were similar to those obtained using the reduced-tillage (Chisel packer) system. Conclusion Based on the results of a 4-year field study on a dryland production system in the northwestern cold continental climate of Iran, minimum- or no-till winter wheat crop production in a vetch–wheat rotation were the most efficient soil management practice from the standpoint of grain yield production and rain use efficiency. Overall, in this study, the no-tillage treatment is proposed as the best treatment in terms of grain and biomass yields and mechanical properties of soil.
Design and Construction
I. Eskandari; N. Sartipi
IntroductionResearchers frequently include multiple cultivars and fertility levels in field experiments. Therefore, the experiments sowing operation must represent a considerable saving in time and labor, compared to hand sowing. Greater flexibility in experimental design and setup could be achieved ...
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IntroductionResearchers frequently include multiple cultivars and fertility levels in field experiments. Therefore, the experiments sowing operation must represent a considerable saving in time and labor, compared to hand sowing. Greater flexibility in experimental design and setup could be achieved by equipment that enables quick changes in the cultivar and fertilizer rates from one plot to the next. A satisfactory seed drill must distribute a given quantity of seed evenly over a predetermined length of coulter row, the coulters must be spaced at exact intervals and depth of sowing must be uniform. In a self-propelled type of plot seeder, no coulter should run in a wheel track as the compaction of the soil can cause observable differences in vigor between plants in such a row and those in un-compacted rows. The machine should sow in succession from a try in which a series of seed pocket separated clearly and must be put into distributer funnel by an assistant operator. The length of gap being varied according to the nature and purpose of the plot.The objectives of this experiment were 1- to design and construct a local self-propelled plot seeder and 2- To compare it with the imported (Wintersteiger) plot seeder in cereal breeding programs.Materials and MethodsA small-plot seeder was designed and constructed to meet this objective. The unit consists of the following basic components: a toolbar for pulling a set of six blade coulter, an air compressor for lifting and putting down the openers and metering transmission drive wheel, an operators chair and work rack, one belt seed distribution. A cone-celled and rotor seed distributor is used for seed distribution to the openers. The cone system is connected to the gearbox and allows for great flexibility in changing cultivars, crop species, and plot length. This is driven by the separate drive wheel. The cone-celled distributor sows all the seed of the sample in making one complete turn. The spinner can be equipped with a 4 or 6 outlet delivery head, depending on row spacing. The planter is fitted with hoe openers. Alternatively, spear-point openers have sometimes been used under conventional tillage systems. Seeding depth control was achieved by an adjustment screw handle. The plot seeder is being moved by a 9.6 kW engine, and has been successfully used in applications. Field experiment established by using 4 plot length (2, 3, 4 and 6) with 4 replication by the constructed plot seeder and imported plot seeder. Crop measurements were planted height, spike m-2, seeds/spike, Thousand kernel weight, Biological and grain yield, harvest index and drill measurements were seeding depth, uniformity of row spacing in action, seed counter performance, power requirement, slippage evenly of rows after planting.Results and DiscussionResults showed that there were significant differences between the plant emergences. The emergencies were higher in plots, which planted by the new plot seeder. The differences between seed distribution of openers were insignificant, but the variances of new plot seeder and imported plot seeder were 0.267 and 1.05 respectively. Mean planting depth of plots planted by the Wintersteiger plot seeder was 0.8 cm shallower than the adjusted planting depth while mean planting depth in plots planted by constructing machine had only 0.01 cm variation.Results of variance analysis revealed that effect of treatments on wheat grain yield and yield components was significant. So that, highest grain yield (4216 kgha-1), biological yield (8704 kgha-1), number of spikes per square meter (649spike), obtained from a plot which planted by constructed plot seeder. Increasing yield of treatments which planted by constructed plot seeder might be because of increasing the number of spikes per square meter in those treatments. The mean of spike per square meter in plots of new planter was 691 spikes which were116 spike more than plots planted by imported plot seeder.ConclusionsThe constructed plot seeder had up to 18500$ cost reduction. The seeder was able to distribute the different type of seed to the seed tubes uniformly in laboratory tests, nevertheless it is necessary to test the constructed plot seeder in field condition by using different seed type and conducting new research project. Advantages of this planter include less variation of seed fall down in different coulters, perfect planting depth control, separate wheel for adjusting planting length, minimize the slippage of planter driven wheel and proper utility in different field condition. According to effects on crop parameters the constructed plot seeder had relative priority to imported one. In addition easily accessories supply and cheaper prime cost are profit of the designed and constructed plot seeder.
A. Jalali; A. Mahmoudi; M. Valizadeh; I. Skandari
Introduction: In recent years, production techniques and equipment have been developed for conservation tillage systems that have been adopted by many farmers. With proper management, overall yield averages for conventional and reduced tillage systems are nearly identical. Sometimes, field operations ...
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Introduction: In recent years, production techniques and equipment have been developed for conservation tillage systems that have been adopted by many farmers. With proper management, overall yield averages for conventional and reduced tillage systems are nearly identical. Sometimes, field operations can be combined by connecting two or more implements. Much research has focused on either reducing or eliminating tillage operations to develop sustainable crop production methods. The greatest costs in farm operations are associated with tillage due to greater specific energy requirement in tillage and the high fuel costs. Combined operations reduce both fuel consumption and time and labor requirements by eliminating at least one individual trip over the field. Light tillage, spraying, or fertilizing operations can be combined with eitherprimary or secondary tillage or planting operations. The amount of fuel saved depends on the combined operations. Generally, light tillage, spraying, and fertilizing operations consume between 0.25 and 0.50 gallons of diesel fuel per acre. Fuel savings of 0.12 to 0.33 gallons per acre can usually be expected from combining operations. Eliminating one primary tillage operation and combining one light tillage, spraying, or fertilizing operation with another tillage or planting operation can usually save at least a gallon of diesel fuel per acre. Combining operations has the added benefit of reducing wheel traffic and compaction. To improve the tillage energy efficiency, implementing effective and agronomic strategies should be improved. Different tillage systems should be tested to determine the most energy efficient ones. Tillage helps seed growth and germination through providing appropriate conditions for soil to absorb sufficient temperature and humidity. Tillage is a time consuming and expensive procedure. With the application of agricultural operations, we can save considerable amounts of fuel, time and energyconsumption. Mankind has been tilling agricultural soils for thousands of years to loosen them, to improve their tilth for water use and plant growth and to cover pests. Tillage is a process of creating a desired final soil condition for seeds from some undesirable initial soil conditions through manipulation of soil with the purpose of increasing crop yield.The aim of conservation tillage is to improve soil structure. Considering the advantages of conservation tillage and less scientific research works on imported conservation tillage devices and those which are made inside the country, and considering the importance of tillage depth and speed in different tiller performance, this investigation was carried out.
Materials and methods: This investigation was carried out based on random blocks in the form of split plot experimental design. The main factor, tillage depth, (was 10 and 20cm at both levels) and the second factor istillage forward speed, (was 6, 8, 10, 12 km h-1 in four levels for Bostan-Abad and 8, 10, 12, 14 km h-1 for Hashtrood) with 4 repetitions. It was carried out by using complex tillager made in the Sazeh Keshte Bukan Company, which is mostly used in Eastern Azerbaijan and using Massey Ferguson 285 and 399tractors and its fuel consumptionwas studied.
Results and Discussion: In this study, the effect of both factors on the feature of fuel consumption was examined. Regarding tillage speed effect for studies characteristic in Bostan-Abad at 1% probability level fuel consumption was effective. The effect of tillage depth has significance at 5% probability level on fuel consumption. The interaction effect of tillage speed and depth on fuel consumption was significant at probability level of 1% . In Hashtrood, the effect of tillage speed was significant on fuel consumption at probability level of 1% , and also tillage depth effect was significant on fuel consumption amount at probability of 1% . The interaction effect of tillage speed and depth on fuel consumption was significant at 1% level of probability .
Conclusions: In this study, the effect of both factors on fuel consumptionwas examined. In Bostan-Abad and Hashtroud on the whole, the results indicated that with the increase in the speed of tillage, fuel consumption, was reduced per hectar.The speed of 10 kilometers per hour was the best for this implemented work. Also, with an increasing depth of tillage, the fuel consumption increased.Through an increase in tillage speed, fuel consumption mass reduced at unit level. Moreover, the optimum speed was concluded to be 10km per hour. The best tillage depth using this machine is 10cm.
A. Mahmoudi; A. Jalali; M. Valizadeh; I. Skandari
Introduction: In recent years, production techniques and equipment have been developed for conservation of tillage systems that have been adopted by many farmers. With proper management, overall yield averages for conventional and reduced tillage systems are nearly identical. Sometimes, field operations ...
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Introduction: In recent years, production techniques and equipment have been developed for conservation of tillage systems that have been adopted by many farmers. With proper management, overall yield averages for conventional and reduced tillage systems are nearly identical. Sometimes, field operations can be combined by connecting two or more implements. Combined operations reduce both fuel consumption, and time and labor requirements by eliminating at least one individual trip over the field. Light tillage, spraying, or fertilizing operations can be combined with either primary or secondary tillage or planting operations. Tillage helps seed growth and germination through providing appropriate conditions for soil to absorb sufficient temperature and humidity. Moreover, it helps easier development of root through reducing soil penetration resistance. Tillage is a time-consuming and expensive procedure. With the application of agricultural operations, we can save substantial amounts of fuel, time and energy consumption. Conservation tillage loosens the soil without turning, but by remaining the plant left overs, stems and roots. Bulk density reflects the soil’s ability to function for structural support, water and solute movement, and soil aeration. Bulk densities above thresholds indicate impaired function. Bulk density is also used to convert between weight and volume of soil. It is used to express soil physical, chemical and biological measurements on a volumetric basis for soil quality assessment and comparisons between management systems. This increases the validity of comparisons by removing the error associated with differences in soil density at the time of sampling. The aim of conservation tillage is to fix the soil structure. This investigation was carried out considering the advantages of conservation tillage and less scientific research works on imported conservation tillage devices and those which are made inside the country, besides the importance of tillage depth and speed in different tiller performance.
Materials and methods: This investigation was carried out based on random blocks in the form of split plot experimental design. The main factor, tillage depth, (was 10 and 20cm at both levels) and the second factor, tillage speed, (was 6, 8, 10, 12 km h-1 in four levels for Bostan-Abad and 8,10,12,14 km h-1 for Hashtrood) with four repetitions. It was carried out using complex tillage made in Sazeh Keshte Bukan Company, which is mostly used in Eastern Azerbaijanand using Massey Ferguson 285 and 399 tractors in Bostab-Abad and Hashtrood, respectively. In this investigation, the characteristics of soil bulk density were studied in two sampling depths of 7 and 17 centimeters. Bulk density is an indicator of soil compaction. It is calculated as the dry weight of soil divided by its volume. This volume includes the volume of soil particles and the volume of pores among soil particles. Bulk density is typically expressed in g cm-3.
Results and Discussion: In this study, the effect of both factors on the feature of the soil bulk density at the sampling depth of 5-10 and 15-20 cm was examined. In Bostan-Abad, regarding tillage speed effect for studies characteristics at 1% probability level on soil bulk density was effective. The effect of tillage depth on the soil bulk density was significant at 5% probability level . The interaction effect of tillage speed and depth on soil bulk density was significant at probability level of 1%. Regarding sampling depth effect, the soil bulk density was significant at 5% probability level, respectively. In Hashtrood, the effect of tillage speed on soil bulk density at probability level of 1%, and also tillage depth effect on soil bulk density was significant at 5% level of probability. The interaction effect of tillage speed and depth on soil bulk density was significant at 5% level of probability. Regarding the depth of sampling it was significant on soil bulk density at probability level of 1%. Through an increase in tillage speed, soil bulk density reduces at unit level.
Conclusions: In this study, the effect of both factors on the feature of the soil bulk density in the sampling depth of 5-10 and 15-20 cm was examined. In Bostan-Abad and Hashtroud, on the whole, the results indicated that the increase in the speed of tillage, soil bulk density, was reduced and the speed of 10 kilometers per hour was the best for this to implement work. Also, with an increasing depth of tillage, the bulk density increased. Through an increase in tillage speed, soil bulk density reduced at unit level. Moreover, the optimum speed was concluded 10km per hour. Through an increase in tillage depth, bulk density and soil humidity increase accordingly. The best tillage depth using this machine is 10cm.
A. Heidari; I. Eskandari
A three-year field experiment (2004-2007) was conducted on a silty clay loam soil at Tajarak Research Station of Hamedan to determine proper grain drill for wheat in Hamedan dryland areas. In this study, three grain drills including: Hamedani Barzegar; Sahalan Kesht; and Kesht Gostar with wheat seed ...
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A three-year field experiment (2004-2007) was conducted on a silty clay loam soil at Tajarak Research Station of Hamedan to determine proper grain drill for wheat in Hamedan dryland areas. In this study, three grain drills including: Hamedani Barzegar; Sahalan Kesht; and Kesht Gostar with wheat seed broadcasting and disking were used. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with four replications. In laboratory, the precision of metering device and the amount of seed damage by metering mechanism were measured. At the end of growth season (harvesting time), crop yield and the associated parameters (spike per m2, number of grain per spike, wheat kernel) were determined. Results showed that planting methods did not affect wheat grain yield significantly. However, wheat grain yield was significantly higher for Kesht Gostar grain drill than the other two machines in two drier years. Mean wheat grain yield was 1224 kg ha–1. Mean wheat grain yield was the greatest (1275 kg ha-1) for Kesht Gostar and the least (1174 Kg ha-1) for Hamedani Barzegar grain drill. Mean straw yield was not affected by planting methods. Mean wheat straw yield was the greatest (2349 kg ha-1) for Hamedani Barzegar grain drill, and the least (2009 Kg ha-1) for the combination of seed broadcasting and disking. The amounts of rainfall during growing season strongly influenced wheat grain and straw yields. Mean wheat grain yield was 1572 Kg ha-1 and 1026 Kg ha-1 in wet year and dry years, respectively. This study showed that a wide range of grain drills is adaptable for dryland wheat cropping system for the semiarid Hamedan areas.