with the collaboration of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME)

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Student in Agricultural Mechanization, Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


The development of mechanization and machine technology can have positive and negative effects on the economic, social, and environmental conditions of a region. Conflicts in these areas complicate the selection and optimization of sustainable mechanization systems. One of the basic questions in the selection of a sustainable agricultural mechanization system is how and with what methodology would it be possible to propose the closest mechanization model that will overcome the simultaneous contradictions between the three pillars of sustainability; taking into account the natural and technical limitations in agricultural production. What is the appropriate approach considering the economic, environmental, and social aspects? The current research aims to provide a framework for an optimal mechanization model to achieve the goals of agricultural sustainability so that it can be implemented and applied practically. It is possible to provide a model that addresses the conflicting economic, social, and environmental aspects by quantitatively optimizing the level of mechanization.
Materials and Methods
In this study, a framework is applied whereby contradictory goals of agricultural sustainability can be achieved simultaneously. After selecting the indices and data collection, by combining Shannon entropy and TOPSIS, the similarity index was obtained for each objective. The similarity indices and values of the Benefit-Cost Ratio calculated for each system were considered as coefficients of three objective (economic, social, and environmental) functions in multi-objective optimization. The multi-objective optimization model was applied to achieve sustainable mechanization patterns and was solved using the NSGA-II algorithm. For framework validation, paddy production mechanization systems in the Ramhormoz region located in southwestern Iran were analyzed with constraints: land, water, and machinery. The five mechanization systems of paddy production included puddled transplanted, un-puddled transplanted, water seeded, dry seeded, and, no-till.
Results and Discussion
Pareto-optimal solutions of different scenarios with water and machine constraints showed that this framework cannot only meet the sustainable goals, but also the optimal allocation of mechanization systems is identified and the effect of different scenarios under different constraints can be examined. The sustainability goals between the no-tillage and planting with puddling systems are highly contradictory. The no-tillage system has the highest score in the environmental aspect and the lowest score in the social and economic aspects. This modern system was developed in Ramhormoz three years ago and has faced technical, economic, and social challenges ever since. The cultivated area using this system was 43 hectares in 2019. Despite the speed and ease of planting with this system, and its direct environmental benefits, the possibility of fungal outbreaks is raised due to the presence of wheat residues from previous cultivation and the warm and humid environment of cultivation. Additionally, weed outbreaks caused by periodic irrigation have greatly affected the satisfaction and profitability of this system, leading to the highest amount of pesticides consumed among the studied systems. The results of multi-objective optimization of sustainable rice mechanization systems in Ramhormoz city showed that the total surface area of optimal point systems is in the range of 2700 to 3200 hectares, which is close to the area under rice cultivation in Ramhormoz (3310 hectares) and it indicates that the output of the model is according to the applied restrictions and close to reality. The limitation of machinery and water has made the two planting systems of un-puddled transplanting and dry-seeding better than other systems. Removing only the machinery restriction can lead to an increase in the area under rice cultivation by about 700 hectares. This means that the requirement for the development of sustainable rice cultivation in Ramhormoz is to strengthen and support modern mechanized systems of no-tillage, dry-seeding, and planting with puddling, with a focus on systems with less water consumption which are the systems with higher levels of mechanization. Without water limitation, if the model is subject to the current machinery limitations, the optimal mechanization systems are the more traditional ones such as transplanting without puddling and wet-seeding.
One of the most fundamental challenges in the development of mechanization is identifying systems that can best balance the economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainability and minimize environmental damage whilst maximizing economic and social benefits. Using the framework for sustainable mechanization will not only accomplish sustainable goals in identifying the optimum agricultural mechanization level, but it will also allow researchers and implementers in the agricultural sector to examine the outcome of various scenarios under different constraints. This framework can be used to find the optimal model for mechanization of all stages of tillage, planting, harvesting, and post-harvest in diverse geographical areas.


Main Subjects

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